Discussion series

The goal for this series was to promote awareness and understanding about topics related to belonging and the practices that promote its development in undergraduate field education through discussion and reflection. In classroom settings, belonging plays an important role in students’ mental health and well-being, academic achievement and motivation, institution-level retention, and is pivotal for supporting students underrepresented in STEM disciplines.  We still have much to learn about the development of sense of belonging in field settings.

See below for recordings of the sessions and resources.


Sense of Belonging in Field Courses

What, Why, When, and How?

Alexandra Race, University of Santa Cruz | Ph.D. Candidate in Education

Being and Becoming in the Field

Student Negotiations of Belonging and Identity

Dr. Rie Malm, University of Copenhagen | Postdoctoral Researcher


Building Community for Students in a Hybrid, Multi-Modal Field Course Designed for Inclusion and Access

Dr. Anita Marshall, University of Gainesville | Lecturer, Department of Geological Sciences

Yesenia Arroyo, GeoSPACE | Geologist and Program Manager


Browse the bibliographies for all of the discussions in the series below.